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Voice Recognition

School Health Room


We are looking forward to working with you to address the health and wellness needs of your student.

I3 Academy's aim is to prepare our students for success in academics and in life by addressing the whole student. We recognize our student's success is influenced by a variety of factors. These factors include their physical, social, emotional, and nutritional health. Every I3 Academy school employee contributes to the school's mission of health and wellness.

We recognize the health and wellness of our students is also greatly influenced by their community at large. I3 Academy will seek to include all stakeholders in our mission of including health and wellness  to prepare our students for academic and life success. YOU are a big part in helping us achieve this goal!

I3 Academy’s health room is staffed with two nurses to address your student’s daily health needs. We would like to take this opportunity to go over some basic health room policies.

This page contains health forms for your convenience. Please assure that they are filled out, signed and dated by your physician where applicable. If your child will be requiring medication to be given at school, the parent/legal guardian must deliver the medication to the health room. No child is permitted to handle medications. Feel free to contact us with any questions.


All students are required to provide immunizations in accordance to The Alabama Department of Public Health immunization standards.

For the immunization schedule please visit The Alabama Department of Public Health.

Please visit Jefferson County Department of Health for more information. 

The Jessica Elkins Act

(2014-274) provides awareness and vaccine information regarding meningococcal meningitis disease and its vaccine to parents and guardians of students. 

Health Guidelines

The health and wellness of everyone on the campus of I3 Academy is of primary importance to the health room staff. We will ask if your child has any contagious diseases, major illness, or any surgery throughout the school year, you contact the health room as soon as possible. In many cases, a doctor’s note will be required for your child to return to school. If your child is excluded from gym/recess for a medical reason, a doctor’s note will be required before your child may resume activities. A doctor’s note is required if it is necessary for your child to ambulate with the assistance of crutches.

As per the CDC and the I3 Safe for me policy, all students with a fever of 100 degrees or greater will be sent home. The student may not return to school until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication. Students with active vomiting or gastrointestinal problems will be sent home and may not return to school until their problem has been resolved for a minimum of 24 hours. We ask if you have any questions, please contact the health room nurses. We will enforce  these policies to promote the well-being of all students and staff members.

It is state policy to require parental and physician written consent for the administration of medication during school hours. This also includes over-the counter medications. Medication must be provided to the nurse in the original container. Consent is good for one school year. School policy requires written physician and parental consent for students who self-administer inhalers or Epi-Pens. Consent forms are available on the school website or in the nurse’s office.

In case of an emergency, it will be extremely important we have good contact numbers on your child’s emergency form. It is very important that we have the ability to contact you or any other designated person at all times. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Please feel free to contact the health room regarding any health concerns throughout the school year.


For questions, please contact Nurse Kendrick, our Health and Wellness Coordinator.
Phone: (659) 902-0003

or Nurse Ebersold, our Health and Wellness Specialist:
Phone: (205) 403-5738